
이창용 / 이 후보자는 24일 한은을 통해 배포한 지명 소감에서 “지난 8년 동안 한국은행을 잘 이끌어 주신.
サッカー日本代表 / サッカー日本代表 公式アカウント⚽ #jfa #daihyo #samuraiblue .
Giorgio Chinaglia / Giorgio chinaglia, italian football (soccer) player who was one of the sport's greatest goal scorers and the leading star of the north .
謝忻 裸照 / 1 day ago · 藝人謝忻近年靠正向態度擺脫昔日風波,漸漸重拾演藝事業,不時透過社群平台分享生活點滴,人氣跟著回升,沒想到6日突然被外流一組半裸照,胸前兩點若隱若現,相當引人遐想,也受到大批網友討論,稍早她陷入裸照風波後,首度在社群網站上發文,正能量的發言引起大批 …
Unplug When Not In Use Sign / Zing green @ work sign, turn off, unplug equipment when not in use, encourages sustainable workplace habits.